Resources and guidance for the new rating system, Rising Stars for ME.
Our Mission: Maine Roads to Quality Professional Development Network (MRTQ PDN) supports early childhood and out-of-school-time professionals in developing the expertise necessary to provide high-quality, inclusive, and culturally responsive care to Maine’s children.
MRTQ PDN consists of a partnership between the Cutler Institute at the University of Southern Maine, the University of Maine Center for Community Inclusion and Disability Studies, and the Maine Afterschool Network.
Find an updated list of FREE Communities of Practice (CoPs) happening around the state HERE.
Training Requests?
We are hearing from you that the need for training is continuing during this time. For more information about the potential options for you and your program, CLICK HERE
Maine CDC
The Maine Center for Disease Control is responding to the COVID‑19 pandemic, caused by a novel (new) coronavirus.
Our Registry is the core of Maine’s professional recognition system. The Registry uses members’ work, education, Early Childhood credentials, and training histories to assign a level on the appropriate career lattice. After joining the Registry, members have a convenient way of tracking ongoing training and educational accomplishments.
Registry Login
Already a Maine Roads to Quality Registry Member? Log in here to access your information!
Technical Assistance
We have created a statewide system to offer on-site support to early childhood and out-of-school time
Pathways is the quarterly newsletter for Maine Roads to Quality that includes information on upcoming training opportunities, helpful resources, and other program updates.
We offer multiple opportunities for professional development in the early childhood field. Whether a practitioner wants to complete Core Knowledge Training, take a course for continuing education, or complete one of Maine’s professional credentials, MRTQ PDN is available to support an individual’s professional development goals.
Training Calendar
Course offerings and descriptions are kept up-to-date in our online training calendar.