Quality Initiatives

Quality Initiatives

Quality Improvement Awards and Mini-Grants

Maine Roads to Quality Professional Development Network (MRTQ PDN) partners with the Maine Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Child and Family Services (DHHS, OCFS) to offer Quality Improvement Awards (QIA) and Quality Improvement Mini-Grants (QIMG) to early childhood and out-of-school time practitioners in Maine.

The Awards and Mini-Grants include cash, approved purchases, and items awarded to childcare programs for their efforts in improving the quality of care they provide to children and families.  


Opportunities for earning Quality Improvement Awards and Mini-Grants change from time to time.
The current opportunities include:

Rising Stars for ME Awards and Mini-Grants:

  • Awards and mini-grants for programs increasing their Star Rating.
  • Details coming soon.


Coursework and TA opportunities 

  • Awards and mini-grants are provided to participants who complete specific training and Technical Assistance opportunities.   
  • When available, these opportunities and applications are posted in SHORTcuts. 


Earning a Maine Credential with Cohort Support:

  • Awards are available for practitioners who are awarded one of the following credentials: Infant Toddler, Youth Development, Director, Family Child Care, Inclusion, and Technical Assistance.
  • Joining a cohort is by invitation only to eligible individuals.
  • To learn more about Maine Credentials, visit http://www.mrtq.org/mainecredentials/.


For any questions about the above or previous Quality of ME Quality Improvement Awards and Mini-grants, contact Karen Bergeron at karen.bergeron@maine.edu or 207-653-5090.